perioral (periorificial) dermatitis | treatment and therapy

Find out the most important facts about perioral dermatitis and how Marly Skin® can speed up the healing process.

Periorale Dermatitis - Protect
Wenn es brennt, juckt und spannt – ist es eine periorale Dermatitis?

If it burns, itches and tensions – is it a perioral dermatitis?

It is necessary to distinguish between allergic reactions to components of cosmetics and perioral dermatitis.

Perioral dermatitis is a non-infectious skin disease that occurs in the area around the mouth (perioral) and nose (perinasal).

This sometimes leads to an infestation around the eyes (periocular), but also to other skin areas.

The perioral dermatitis can appear in mild to strong forms. Typical is the appearance of redness, inflammatory nodules (called papules) and papules with central pus bladder (called papulopustules), which heal only very slowly.

Where does perioral dermatitis come from?

The cause of the disease is the excessive use of cosmetics, especially excessive amounts of moisturizers or fat creams. In general, the fragrances, colorants, nickel particles or other substances contained in cosmetics can irritate and even damage your skin.

This overcare of the skin leads to a disturbed balance of the skin flora. In almost all cases the skin barrier is damaged.

Woher kommt die periorale Dermatitis?
Zur Behandlung einer perioralen Dermatitis gehört die strikte NULLDIÄT

The treatment of perioral dermatitis includes strict ZERO THERAPY

  • The treatment of stewardess eczema urgently requires that you refrain from using any cosmetics for a certain period of time, otherwise the eczema cannot heal!
  • This “zero therapy” must be consistently adhered to!
  • The appearance of the skin deteriorates with each use of e.g. Soaps, creams, ointments or even make-up, etc.
  • Creams or ointments containing cortisone should never be used, as they only lead to a short improvement, but can lead to an even worse relapse after weaning!


  • Marly Skin® accelerates the healing process during “zero therapy”.
  • Marly Skin® helps you to survive the time of the “zero therapy” well and quickly, because the skin is initially reddened, dry, itchy and tight.
  • The micro-fine foam is very pleasant, absorbs immediately, protects and regenerates the skin barrier.
  • Keep the “zero therapy” consistently, clean the skin only with water and use Marly Skin® regularly. You will soon see positive results.
Zur Behandlung einer perioralen Dermatitis gehört die strikte NULLDIÄT

…In the time when you should not take cosmetics, you can apply Marly Skin® and the symptoms improve quickly

Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Vanscheidt

Universitätsklinik, Freiburg

How it works

Wie es funktioniert

1. Clean the skin with water only !

2. Dry the skin well !

3. Apply Marly Skin® to the affected skin areas (or the whole face) and massage in thoroughly.

Repeat this process every 3-4 hours!

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Customer reviews

The skin feels great afterwards. I got it because of a perioral dermatitis and my skin calmed down very quickly with the help of Marly Skin!

This skin protection foam is very good. It has helped me to get rid of perioral dermatitis and I continue to use it. It’s so nourishing I don’t use any more cream or lotion. I can recommend Marly Skin to anyone with sensitive skin.

The product delivers what it promises. Due to an over-cultivation of my skin I got many pimples on my face. I’ve been using Marly Skin for about 10 days. The first days without further care products, then I always applied the product under my day care. The pimples have now completely disappeared and a reduction has been noticeable since day 1. I can only recommend it!

I could never imagine again not owning the marly skin in my bathroom. I had to fight a lot with my eczema. I’ve been to 100,000 doctors who couldn’t help me either. I’ve been free of eczema for seven months now. Absolutely thrilled.

Hello. Thank you so much for the speedy response. Thanks to your advice and Marly Skin and my brave perseverance not to smear anything on my skin, my complexion has improved significantly. I have learned a lot about the demands of my skin through perioral dermatitis and can save a lot of money in the future because my skin does not need too much care at all. I am grateful that researchers have developed Marly Skin and will continue to recommend the product. I wish you all the best and remain so friendly to advise the concerns of customers so super.

I had an allergy to my new day cream (cosmetics). Now, thanks to Marly Skin, it is fortunately gone and I was able to appear in the office with make-up on days when it was important not to face customers without make-up. Simply Marly Skin underneath – Perfect!

Hello there!! I am very satisfied with the product, ordered it for the second time, had a very bad rash on my face, this product has helped me to feel comfortable in my skin again.

I used it for a perioral dermatitis and after a few days the red spots were as good as gone! Great product!

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